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If you have a veteran car or part that defies identification, send me some photos and as much information as possible.  The probabilty that anyone will actually come out of the woodwork and solve the mystery is pretty low, but you might get lucky.  You'll never never know if you don't have a go!


Email your stuff to me and I'll do my best to present your material in a way that should help with identification.

MYSTERY ENGINE #1.  This is a small engine, perhaps 1 - 1.5 litres, exposed OHV pushrods and rockers.  The clutch (if that's what it is) appears to share the sump with the crankshaft .   The letters "AS" are cast into the block and in  another location the letter "Z" appears.  Perhaps French, possibly not quite part of the veteran era but intriguing nonetheless. 



MYSTERY ENGINE #1.  Turns out this is from a c.1924 Standard V3 of 11.4 hp



MYSTERY GIZMO #1.  Here's a petrol flow regulator and filter, a magnificent thing all in brass and displaying the Rotherhams brand name on one component, so it's most likely British.    I wonder if some of the components actually belong to it or have been tacked on to cause confusion?  The flow (or pressure?) regulator is a brass valve whose opening can be adjusted and locked.  The filter seems to be complete.  At one end a leather-faced valve seems to serve no purpose and actually permanently closes off the fuel line when the securing nut is tightened.  At the other end is a ball which jams in its housing when the securing nut is tightened.  I wonder if one or the other of these is intended to stop fuel flowing in the wrong direction?


A similar device was found on veteran Talbots, but this is not one of them.  Who can tell me what it came from (or is it just an aftermarket product), how much of it is the real deal and how it should operate?   Email me, please!



MYSTERY CAR #1.   The coal-scuttle bonnet has to be a clue, but who can tell us more about the car below?   Odd to have this type of body on such a long wheelbase chassis, and there's something not right about the rear mudguards - or is it the wheels?   Image courtesy of Jak Guyomar.                    Email me with your thoughts.



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