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This was a big year for our club.  Amongst other things we hosted the National Veteran Tour, a major undertaking that was over three years in planning and preparation.

CITY OF IPSWICH NATIONAL VETERAN TOUR.  It's difficult to imagine a better level of support than that given us by the Ipswich City Council and the many organisations and businesses in the Ipswich district with whom we worked.  Over 140 veteran vehicles and crews came from all over Australia to discover Ipswich, the Lockyer and Fassifern valleys and the history of the city that was so important to Queensland's development.


There are lots of photos here but they may take a little while to load.    GO!

PITTSWORTH REVISITED.   Our 2011 visit to Pittsworth was pretty much rained out so Bruce Wright decided to try again.  This time the weather gods smiied on us.   It's wide open country around Pittsworth, easy on the veteran motorist.

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